Course Outline

Elementary Geochemistry
Course Outline
1st Semester SY 2011-2012

 Joe P. Sunga

This course will focus on the chemical and physical processes involved in rock formation. It will also, in part, deal with understanding geological processes, including ore deposition. Applications of geochemistry will also be discussed towards the end of the course.


I.                    Introduction
                                The Rock Cycle
                                Zeroth Law
                                First Law
                                Second Law
                                Dynamic Equilibrium
                                Acid-Base Reactions
                                Redox Reactions
                                Structural Chemistry

II.                  High Temperature Geochemistry
                                The Phase Rule
                                                Gibb’s Derivation
                                Magmas and Fractional Crystallization
                                                Mafic Magmas
                                                Magmatic Differentiation
                                                Variation Diagrams
                                                Felsic Magmas
                                                Origin of Mafic and Felsic Magmas
                                                Pegmatites and Aplite Dikes
                                                Conditions of Metamorphism
                                                Classification of Metamorphic Rocks
                                                Metamorphic Facies
                                                Metamorphic Differentiation

Midterm Exam

III.                Low Temperature Geochemistry
                                Carbonate Sediments
                                Chemical Weathering
                                Clay Minerals and Soils
                                Petroleum and Coal

IV.                Ore Solutions and Deposits

V.                  Isotope Geochemistry

VI.                Historical Geochemistry

VII.              Applied Geochemistry

Final Exam

Since this is my first time to teach this course, this outline is still subject to change.

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